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Hall of Fame


Walter H. Jackson a.k.a. “Pete”

Class of 1997


🏅 Inducted in 1997
🏈 Football
🏃 Athlete


Walter H. Jackson, more commonly addressed as “Pete”, began his teaching career as a mathematics and physics teacher at Etobicoke High School, now called Etobicoke Collegiate.

Because of his interest in sports, he volunteered to coach various teams at the school. Coaching teams was not a job requirement for Pete, but he assumed the role of Etobicoke Collegiate’s football coach for 27 years, from 1932 to 1959.

During that time, Pete coached the junior football teams to victory in the TDIAA (Toronto District Intercollegiate Athletic Association) in 1942, 1943, 1949 and 1950.

Following this success, the senior teams were victorious in 1951, 1952, 1954, 1955 and 1956, and were chosen as TDIAA representatives in the Red Feather (now United Way) games in 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1955.

In 1944, under Pete’s guidance as substitute coach, the junior and senior basketball teams and the track and field teams won championships.

Pete continued his career as vice-principal for 7 years, then principal for 1 year at Royal York Collegiate before retiring as principal of West Humber Collegiate in 1970.

Pete excelled as a respected coach for over 27 years, touching the lives of hundreds of students, believing in the values of team play and encouraging sportsmanship achievement.