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Elisha Donaghey-Johnston


Elisha Donaghey-Johnston is very proud and honoured to be awarded Female Athlete of the Year for 2012 from Special Olympics Ontario. Elisha joined Special Olympics in 1998 and has been a registered athlete for the 14 years since.

She was first introduced to swimming, a sport that incorporated her love of the water with a strong natural swimming ability. This came at a significant time in her life; it provided positive reinforcement in an area she excelled in, and social interaction with others with an intellectual disability. Many people with disabilities experience social isolation amongst their peers, and swimming provided a positive environment for Elisha.

Right from the start, Elisha demonstrated hard work and a determination to succeed. Her first question out of the pool is always, “what was my time?” and she is constantly pushing herself to improve. It has been a very personal journey for her; she continuously raises the bar to be better, while always being the loudest cheerleader for her teammates.

A true team player, her teammates success is as important to her as her own. Since her beginnings in the pool, Elisha has also been a participant in rhythmic gymnastics, track and field, basketball, softball, golf, 10-pin bowling, and soccer.

Elisha was honoured to represent Canada last year at the World Games in Athens, Greece, where she added five medals for Team Canada: two gold and three silver. Elisha was also chosen to carry the torch and represent North America in the Opening Ceremonies at the games.

Elisha continues to place new personal goals and demands on herself as she strives for excellence both athletically and personally. Her confidence, healthy lifestyle, and all-around athletic ability have significantly improved since participating in Special Olympics. She is a strong role model and highly respected within her community. Sport is Elisha’s life, and she plans to continue her journey with a desire to “Win at Life.”

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a Scholarship

The Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame awards seven scholarships, each valued at $1,000, to deserving individuals. These scholarships are not only a recognition of academic and athletic excellence but also of community involvement and financial need.

To ensure all students in the community are provided the opportunity to apply for the scholarships, all Etobicoke high school Physical Education and Counseling departments are contacted in advance.

The ESHOF believes we can make a difference in young people’s lives through our scholarship program and help the next generation of Etobicoke community builders succeed and go on to promote positive change for all and continue to empower our community.