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Home / Scholarships / Jake Sprenger



Jake Sprenger is a throwback to the Wayne Gretzky approach to sports, athletes that played sports in their natural seasons (i.e., baseball in summer, hockey in winter), and using this approach to further develop their love of the game and skill set in all activities. Once again using the Wayne Gretzky reference, he was a leader on and off the field of play, and did so with class, as indicated by the multiple times he was honored with most sportsmanlike selections. He showed great foresight academically, as he moved on to the University of Toronto for Electrical Engineering after leading the award-winning Engineering Club at Richview as their president. In his own words: “I have worked part-time throughout high school so I will contribute what I can, and I intend to work in the summers so that I can continue to contribute. My parents will also help me to the extent that they can.”

Apply For
a Scholarship

The Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame awards seven scholarships, each valued at $1,000, to deserving individuals. These scholarships are not only a recognition of academic and athletic excellence but also of community involvement and financial need.

To ensure all students in the community are provided the opportunity to apply for the scholarships, all Etobicoke high school Physical Education and Counseling departments are contacted in advance.

The ESHOF believes we can make a difference in young people’s lives through our scholarship program and help the next generation of Etobicoke community builders succeed and go on to promote positive change for all and continue to empower our community.