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Special Olympics Scholarships

Jason Gordy



It is no surprise that Jason Gordy is Ontario’s Special Olympic Male Athlete of the year for 2012. He is exemplary of the success, humility, and sportsmanship that is expected from Special Olympics and its athletes.

He has been involved in Special Olympics for over 20 years, competing in swimming, five and ten-pin bowling, floor hockey, baseball, and golf. He has competed at all levels—local, regional, provincial, and national. His goal is to take part in world competition, and is optimistic about reaching his goal with the coaching and training that he and the other athletes receive.

The Norfolk County resident was awarded a trophy by Special Olympics Ontario at a banquet in Markham this year, and was honoured again during the Parade of Champions at the Norfolk County Fair. He lives by himself in a condominium and works in a café run by the Norfolk Association for Community Living. He hopes to continue participating and competing in a wide variety of sports.

Jason also acts as the official ambassador for the local Special Olympics group. This year, Gordy won two gold and two silver medals for five-pin bowling at the provincial level. He has also participated in Ontario and Canadian competitions multiple times in multiple events.

Apply For
a Scholarship

The Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame awards seven scholarships, each valued at $1,000, to deserving individuals. These scholarships are not only a recognition of academic and athletic excellence but also of community involvement and financial need.

To ensure all students in the community are provided the opportunity to apply for the scholarships, all Etobicoke high school Physical Education and Counseling departments are contacted in advance.

The ESHOF believes we can make a difference in young people’s lives through our scholarship program and help the next generation of Etobicoke community builders succeed and go on to promote positive change for all and continue to empower our community.