Nathaniel Green

Nathaniel Green has been running cross-country for Humber since he came to the school 3 years ago. Green’s dedication to the sport and work ethic has certainly paid off for the runner. Last year he placed 10th at nationals with a time of approximately 26 minutes. Green says he enjoys cross-country for the reward of seeing himself improve. “Even though it hurts, I love the feeling after every practice. Your legs are on fire and you kind of feel. I like the feeling you get from pushing yourself,” said Green. Green is constantly pushing himself to improve. When his coach sets a time for him, he always goes above and beyond that. Green has proven that leading by example is what motivates himself and his teammates. His positive attitude and hardworking mentality make him very beneficial to the cross-country team at Humber. Green is a third year industrial design student at Humber College.

Rita Audi

Rita Audi’s heavy commitment to community service and volunteer work saw her take a step back from competitive sport this past year as a high school cross-country athlete, but her desire to continue with individual fitness and growth was as evident as ever by way of her martial arts training. Although she accomplished much with her involvement in school and in the many club programs she joined, her involvement in the community went far beyond the walls of Father John Redmond. The Air Cadet Program has been a constant, where her love for flight has helped mold her into the person she is today. With her sheer drive to be the best she can be, it is certain that she will soar in the future.

Darren Mancini

Darren Mancini has only been with the Hawks for the past two years, but he already shares a palpable bond with the rest of his cross-country team.

Darren’s passion for running stems from the purpose he feels that it gives to his life. He placed 14th in Ontario last year and 28th in Canada, and has improved his race time by over three minutes from his first to second year. After graduating from Fitness and Health last year, Darren tributes the Humber varsity family with influencing his decision to further his education and pursue a diploma in Sport Management.

After graduation he plans to continue his involvement with Humber athletics by working with student athletes through coaching or training, and hopes to eventually give back to varsity athletics as an Athletic Director.

Katherine White

Katherine White has been an impactful member of the cross-country team for the past three seasons. As a rookie she was named a second team OCAA All-Star and two time All-Academic during her team’s OCAA gold and CCAA National bronze medal triumphs. In her sophomore year she contributed to her team’s provincial second place finish and national fifth seed.

White is a graduate of the Fitness and Health program and has bridged over to third year of the University of Guelph-Humber’s Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology. Through these programs she hopes to work in the athletic therapy and clinical physiotherapy fields.

Running has been a passion of White’s since grade 10 and progressively cultivated her talent when she joined the University of Toronto’s Track Lab in grade 12. White said her career flourished at Humber thanks to her coaches teaching her about running strategies and developing her into a better racer. Through these stepping stones, White plans to continue running track and build her endurance for longer road races.