Jenna Chateau

In recognition of International Women’s Day and March Madness our athlete of the month is Jenna Chateau. Jenna’s athleticism is in her DNA. Jenna’s mom Danielle, played varsity basketball at York University while her dad, Ray is the Director of Athletics and Recreation at Humber College, and her older sister Nicole in her second year is playing for the Humber Hawks women’s basketball team.

Jenna a grade 12 student/athlete at Father John Redmond, Jenna led the Redmond Prep Girls basketball team to a playoff birth in the Ontario Scholastic Basketball Association. (OSBA) Jenna finished the season 11th in scoring in the province and was selected to the all-Ontario Showcase being played at Humber College, April 1st. The showcase features the province’s top 20 seniors in a tournament to “showcase” their talent.

An honours student, Jenna is also a summer camp coach with the Etobicoke Basketball Association.