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Home / Scholarships / McKenzie Barnes



Mckenzie Barnes, known to many as the girl behind the camera, is currently enrolled in her final year in the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber, specializing in media business. For the past three years, she’s been working for the Humber College Athletic Department in sports information and recreation. She has been able to build relationships with the teams and players, giving her the advantage to get up close and personal.

Her experience at Humber College and working for the athletic department has given McKenzie the ability to be successful in her field. She hopes to pursue a career as a content creator within a marketing firm in Toronto. Additionally, owning her own photography shop is a dream of hers to keep her passion alive.

Not only has she been a big part of athletics, but McKenzie has also been a huge part of the Humber Dance company, serving as a dancer, choreographer, and media executive for the team. Outside of school, she runs her own photography business specializing in portraits and events. With the skills acquired from Humber College, McKenzie thanks fellow employer Jim Bialek for this amazing opportunity.

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a Scholarship

The Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame awards seven scholarships, each valued at $1,000, to deserving individuals. These scholarships are not only a recognition of academic and athletic excellence but also of community involvement and financial need.

To ensure all students in the community are provided the opportunity to apply for the scholarships, all Etobicoke high school Physical Education and Counseling departments are contacted in advance.

The ESHOF believes we can make a difference in young people’s lives through our scholarship program and help the next generation of Etobicoke community builders succeed and go on to promote positive change for all and continue to empower our community.