Nick Suddes

Nick Suddes is currently in his fifth and final year at Humber, where he plays a crucial role within the college’s Athletics Department. Presently in his third year of Humber’s Sport Management program, Nick primarily works on livestream production for Humber athletics, covering all fall sports, including volleyball, baseball, and soccer. Depending on the day, his work can include directing, filming, video editing, and more, leaving his mark on Humber Sports broadcasts in more ways than one.

In addition to this, he also has journalism experience reporting on softball for Humber Hawks Sports this year. Nick’s love of sports extends beyond management, however, having been playing hockey since he was six years old. He still plays hockey today, playing on Humber’s extramural hockey team, and he also played soccer when he was younger. His work and dedication to Humber athletics have earned him great recognition, winning the Joe Suzer Award for Humber Media. Nick aims to continue with hockey and sports media production after graduation, and dreams of working for the OHL in production, game day operations, or sales and marketing.

McKenzie Barnes

Mckenzie Barnes, known to many as the girl behind the camera, is currently enrolled in her final year in the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber, specializing in media business. For the past three years, she’s been working for the Humber College Athletic Department in sports information and recreation. She has been able to build relationships with the teams and players, giving her the advantage to get up close and personal.

Her experience at Humber College and working for the athletic department has given McKenzie the ability to be successful in her field. She hopes to pursue a career as a content creator within a marketing firm in Toronto. Additionally, owning her own photography shop is a dream of hers to keep her passion alive.

Not only has she been a big part of athletics, but McKenzie has also been a huge part of the Humber Dance company, serving as a dancer, choreographer, and media executive for the team. Outside of school, she runs her own photography business specializing in portraits and events. With the skills acquired from Humber College, McKenzie thanks fellow employer Jim Bialek for this amazing opportunity.

Chen Li Heuk

Cheuk Hin Li, also known as Nature, is a Broadcast and Television student at Humber College. New to the Hawks Sports Network, Nature played a pivotal role in helping to create the best student-run sports production in the country.

Eugenio Garro

Eugenio, currently enrolled in the Journalism—Advanced Diploma program at Humber College, is a contributing member of the Humber College Varsity Sports Information Team and a standout on the Hawks men’s soccer team. In the classroom, Eugenio has excelled, carrying a 75% average, as he heads into his third and final year of the program. He is well-respected as a journalist and has contributed many articles to the college’s main student online newspaper.

As the number one writer for the Humber Sports Information team, he has had his articles published to all of the social media platforms within the Humber Varsity area. Additionally, he has writing credits for SOAR Magazine—The Official Magazine of Humber Varsity Alumni. His sport of choice is soccer, and he has initiated a unique approach to journalism. He plays for the men’s team, then watches the women’s game, and then does full game reports for both. His ability to remove himself as a player when writing is quite remarkable.

His athletic prowess is well-documented, as he is a three-time men’s soccer national champion with the Hawks and two-time national championship MVP.

Zach McRae

For the past two varsity seasons Sports Information Coordinator Intern Zach McRae has helped progress the online reach of Humber Athletics. McRae has done everything from updating the Athletics website, creating media guides and team programs, writing features, recaps and previews, and live streaming games. His duties are integral to running provincial and national events on campus. McRae said having Humber host last season’s CCAA Cross-Country Nationals has served as the highlight of his career where he learned to work under the pressure of publishing content within 30 minutes of each race finishing.

McRae said he has loved sports since he was 5 years old and has now built a career path for himself through Humber’s Sport Management program where he will graduate next semester. He has shown an incredible work ethic and has constantly proven himself as a great support to Varsity management and to his Sports Information colleagues.

He said he is incredibly grateful for his internship because it has given him a well rounded view of all that goes into covering sports and helping him expand his passion for sports.

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