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For the past two varsity seasons Sports Information Coordinator Intern Zach McRae has helped progress the online reach of Humber Athletics. McRae has done everything from updating the Athletics website, creating media guides and team programs, writing features, recaps and previews, and live streaming games. His duties are integral to running provincial and national events on campus. McRae said having Humber host last season’s CCAA Cross-Country Nationals has served as the highlight of his career where he learned to work under the pressure of publishing content within 30 minutes of each race finishing.

McRae said he has loved sports since he was 5 years old and has now built a career path for himself through Humber’s Sport Management program where he will graduate next semester. He has shown an incredible work ethic and has constantly proven himself as a great support to Varsity management and to his Sports Information colleagues.

He said he is incredibly grateful for his internship because it has given him a well rounded view of all that goes into covering sports and helping him expand his passion for sports.

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Apply For
a Scholarship

The Etobicoke Sports Hall of Fame awards seven scholarships, each valued at $1,000, to deserving individuals. These scholarships are not only a recognition of academic and athletic excellence but also of community involvement and financial need.

To ensure all students in the community are provided the opportunity to apply for the scholarships, all Etobicoke high school Physical Education and Counseling departments are contacted in advance.

The ESHOF believes we can make a difference in young people’s lives through our scholarship program and help the next generation of Etobicoke community builders succeed and go on to promote positive change for all and continue to empower our community.